Brake Repair & Inspection in Mckinney, Texas
Understanding Your Anti-lock Brakes
Anti-lock brakes were designed to help you control your car during adverse driving conditions. The ABS system keeps the wheels of your vehicle from locking up, preventing skids when the road is wet or icy. Prior to anti-lock brakes, a driver would have to pump the brakes manually to prevent this phenomenon. Anti-lock brakes sense when your vehicle is in a skid condition and pulse the brakes hundreds of times per minute, which is much quicker than any driver could react. Although ABS brakes also reduce the stopping distance of your vehicle, this is not the main purpose of having ABS brakes. Get more information about anti-lock brakes at Meineke #2487 in Mckinney, TX.
Why an Anti-Lock Braking System is Important
During normal braking procedures, the pedal action for an ABS or anti-lock braking system will feel much the same as it would in a vehicle having a non-ABS system. In an emergency, however, anti-lock brakes prevent wheel lock-up while allowing the driver to maintain steering control. In a critical situation when the brake pedal is depressed, the ABS will also bring the car to a stop in the shortest distance possible. Wondering if your car has anti-lock brakes? Just ask the specialists at Meineke #2487 in Mckinney, TX.
When should you get it repaired / inspected
Why Brakes Should Be Repaired Immediately
Signs of potential brake failure can appear suddenly or gradually. In some cases, the brake pedal may go out, while in others you may notice a creeping increase in the time it takes to stop your car. Strange noises while braking can also indicate a problem. Faulty brakes decrease the control you have over your car and can lead to a serious accident. If you notice a problem with your brakes, have your car checked immediately. Contact the car repair professionals at Meineke #2487 in , TX for repairs and maintenance to your brake system.
Time for New Brakes
The cost to repair or replace an anti-brake system, or ABS, can sometimes be concerning. The first thing to do is to bring your vehicle to the specialists at Meineke #2487 in Mckinney, TX. You may only need new brake fluid or just a minor part. It might be that new brake pads are needed. Of course, there could be issues with other brake system components. Our professionals can resolve the problem and see that you’re back on the road safely with a solution that is as cost-effective as possible.
Cost-Effective Brake Service
Scheduling an inspection for your anti-lock brakes at regular intervals is the best way to keep repair costs from mounting. Remember that service may be as simple as adding brake fluid, a component that costs just a few dollars. Silicon brake fluid and mineral brake fluid are widely available, and they may be among the products used by Meineke #2487 in Mckinney, TX, when you come in for ABS brake service. The specialists here can diagnose any brake problems you might be having and resolve the issues promptly in order to save you greater expense down the road.