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Eatontown - Broad Street

Auto AC Repair Services in Eatontown, New Jersey

What Makes AC Service Necessary

No vehicle lasts forever, but there are some things you can do to make yours last a lot longer. Extending the lifespan of your car requires an investment in routine maintenance. You should get the tires rotated and the wheels aligned regularly. Also make sure that you routinely invest in oil change and replacement oil filters. This is one of the best things you can do to safeguard your vehicle against everyday wear and tear. It will also keep your car running smoothly and efficiently and will ultimately save you money on costly repair work. Learn more from the team at Meineke #294 in Eatontown NJ .

When Should You Get an AC Check?

No part of your vehicle is made to last forever, of course, and the air conditioning system is no different. It undergoes a lot of daily wear and tear which can eventually cause it to break down completely. Certainly, it’s smart to get an AC check if you begin to notice the air isn’t as cool as it used to be. It’s also prudent to plan an AC check once a year or so, when you’re at Meineke in Eatontown NJ getting other routine maintenance done.

How Often is an AC Recharge Needed?

The good news is that you won’t need to have serious work done to your AC very often. Indeed, most drivers go through just about 15 percent of their refrigerant per year, and other problems happen only after many miles have been accumulated. With that said, preventative maintenance helps you spot potential issues and minimize their impact—so scheduling a routine AC service call at Meineke in Eatontown NJ is recommended.

How Frequent are Auto Air Conditioning Problems?

The good news is that most vehicle owners don’t have very frequent auto air conditioning problems—and you can minimize the risk further still by investing in a routine AC check. Having an AC recharge every year or so is likely enough.

How Your Auto Air Conditioning REALLY Works

A lot of drivers have the auto air conditioning system all wrong. They assume it’s pretty straightforward, creating and then disseminating cool air. Actually, it’s quite a bit more complicated than that. In a multi-step process that begins at the compressor and ends at your air vents, the auto air conditioning actually creates warm air, then strips out all the moisture and contaminants—cooling and depressurizing it all the while. Obviously, this requires a lot of work, so it stands to reason that the auto air conditioning system might need to be inspected and repaired from time to time.

Do You Know How Your Auto Air Conditioning Really Works?

How well do you understand the workings of your auto air conditioning system? Many drivers are surprised when they learn that their auto AC doesn’t simply push out cool air, but rather it starts with warm air, cools and depressurizes it, filters out its contaminants, and then—at the end of a multi-stage process—it finally pushes that cool air into the cabin of the vehicle. If that sounds like a laborious undertaking, well, it is. The auto air conditioning takes on a lot of wear and tear. It goes without saying, then, that regular maintenance is a must.