Brake Repair & Inspection in Milford, Ohio
What Is an Anti Lock Braking System?
A car without anti lock brakes is vulnerable to uncontrolled skidding when braking, due to the risk of wheels locking up. The ABS system uses speed sensors to detect rapid decelerations, then controls the brakes through a series of valves positioned on the brake lines. The ABS uses a pump for restoring pressure to the brakes. The system is run by a control unit that processes the data from the sensors and controls the valves and the pump. Manufacturers continue to upgrade and improve anti-lock systems for faster reaction times and greater sensitivity. To find out details about your car’s system, visit Meineke #2608 in Milford, OH.
Why It Is Important to Keep Your ABS Working
Braking sharply is risky but at times necessary in order to avoid a road hazard. One of the major risks of braking is losing control of your car, which could lead to a major accident. The anti-lock system monitors rotational speed and performs a sophisticated algorithm of releasing and pumping the brakes that prevents wheels from locking up and lets the driver retain control. A malfunctioning ABS is particularly risky when driving on a slippery or icy surface, in bad weather or on loose material such as gravel. For best performance, be sure to get a regular ABS brake service check at Meineke #2608 in Milford, OH.
When Should You Schedule a Brake System Inspection
Some people think that the funny little sound their brakes are beginning to make can be eliminated with a simple fix. They begin looking around, wondering where to buy brake fluid and spend some time considering options, such as silicone brake fluid versus mineral brake fluid as well as overall brake fluid cost. Meanwhile, the funny sound turns into an annoying screech and the smart driver will realize it’s time to take the car to Meineke #2608 in Milford, OH, for an inspection.
Why it needs to be repaired
Signs You Need to Replace Your ABS
The anti lock braking system is key to optimal vehicle safety. It is one of the most important components of your car, and any malfunction is a sign that you need to get it checked right away. While some ABS problems can be fixed with relative ease, others mean that it is time to replace the entire system. A major sign that you may need a new ABS is when your system kicks in randomly, even under normal driving conditions. This indicates a high likelihood that both the sensors and the control unit are malfunctioning. Learn more about ABS replacement or upgrade at Meineke #2608 in Milford, OH.
Professional Repairs Needed for ABS Brakes
Anti-lock brakes need professional service and repairs to maintain the components that must work together efficiently. We have mineral brake fluid and silicone brake fluid to keep your system operating in peak condition. Before you come down to Meineke #2608 at Milford, OH, stop by the coupon section of our website for great deals designed to help you save money on car repairs. We can also install new anti-lock brakes on older cars to keep you safe under any type of driving conditions. ABS technology is a great addition to any vehicle because it is proven to be effective in reducing accidents on the road.