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Fair Lawn,#2362

(201) 228-9807

36-14 Broadway
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410

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Transmission Services Services in Fair Lawn, New Jersey

Get Transmission Service from Meineke

Don’t take your transmission for granted. Show it some TLC by working it into your routine maintenance schedule. The easiest way to get a transmission check or transmission fluid replacement is to go to Meineke; you can even make an appointment online, and look for savings on the coupon page. Reach out to Meineke in Fair Lawn NJ to find out how easy it is to care for your vehicle transmission!

Understanding Your Transmission Repair Needs

How much power does your engine need to generate? That’s a question you don’t have to think about, because your automatic transmission does it for you. That’s ultimately what a vehicle’s transmission is all about—regulating the power from the engine to match the current speed, ensuring optimal performance. Of course, this involves some wear and tear—as well as depletion of transmission fluid—so transmission maintenance is a must. But what should vehicle owners know about their transmission, and about the urgency of regular transmission repair?

When is it Time to Have Transmission Repair Done?

Transmission fluid will eventually get dirty and lose its lubricating power—which makes it necessary to get a regular transmission flush. Additionally, you should take your car in for transmission maintenance any time you detect problems—such as grinding or whining sounds when the vehicle shifts gears. Difficulty changing gears, or frequently slipping out of gear, should also be taken as a warning sign. This is when you need to schedule transmission service ASAP.

Schedule a Transmission Maintenance Appointment with Meineke

What’s more, Meineke makes it incredibly easy to schedule a transmission service appointment. Just visit the Meineke website to request an appointment at Meineke in Fair Lawn NJ. Taking care of your transmission is important for the good of your vehicle—and the Meineke team strives to make it as easy as possible for you!

Transmission Maintenance: Understanding the Basics

Your vehicle’s transmission is among its most important systems; without it, it’s impossible for your automobile to function optimally. Thus, it’s critically important to take care of your transmission, and to make transmission repair part of your routine auto maintenance habit. First and foremost, it’s good to understand what the transmission does. Think of a multi-speed bicycle: you begin by pedaling in a low-gear, which allows you to quickly accelerate, but not really reach a high top speed. Then, once you start coasting, you can switch into a higher gear, and thus achieve higher speed. Your automobile’s transmission works in a similar fashion, helping to regulate the power generated by your engine as relative to your current speed. It can only do this when it’s well taken care of, though, and that encompasses a regular check of the transmission fluid as well as the occasional transmission flush.

Where Does Transmission Fluid Go Wrong?

The reason you need to have your transmission serviced on a regular basis is simple: The fluid gets dirty, and loses its lubricating power. From there, the wear and tear done to your gears can be major—and if you don’t get it checked out quickly, it could snowball into an even bigger problem down the road. The urgency of transmission maintenance cannot be overstated!

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