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Lincolnton - East Main Street

Transmission Services in Lincolnton, North Carolina

Why is Transmission Maintenance So Important?

There are different reasons why transmission repair work is so important. One is that you eventually run out of transmission fluid; indeed, you may need a transmission flush anywhere from every 30,000 miles to every 100,000 miles, just depending on the kind of car you drive. And even apart from fluid, your transmission system undergoes a lot of wear and tear just through everyday use—so sooner or later, transmission repair is almost inevitable.

Why You Need a Transmission Flush

It’s important to have your transmission fluid flushed every so often because, over time, it becomes very dirty—and dirty transmission fluid simply isn’t able to provide the lubricating functions your transmission needs. Thus, your transmission system will bear the brunt of everyday wear and tear, and you could start to experience more and more problems.

How Does Your Vehicle Transmission Work?

The transmission is one of the most important systems in your vehicle, yet many drivers don’t quite understand how it works. Essentially, the transmission regulates the amount of power your engine sends to the wheels, relative to the speed you’re going—ensuring an optimal performance. To accomplish this, your transmission needs transmission fluid, which lubricates your gears and prevents wear and tear. Additionally, vehicle owners should be aware of the need for routine transmission maintenance—and in particular, transmission fluid inspection and replacement. You can have this done at Meineke in Lincolnton NC, and we recommend making it part of your routine preventative maintenance schedule.

Time for Transmission Repair?

Vehicle owners should know that, sooner or later, they may experience problems with their transmission. There are a few telltale signs you should be alert for: Strange rattling or whining noises when the car shifts gears; the car slipping out of gear at random times; or general difficulty with the gear shift process. If you notice any of these issues, that means there could be a problem with your transmission. You’ll want to schedule transmission maintenance at Meineke in Lincolnton NC—sooner rather than later!

Why Check Transmission Fluid?

Transmission fluid is a critical part of your transmission, serving in one key capacity: It keeps your gears lubricated, and safeguards them against wear and tear. In other words, it extends the lifespan of your transmission system. As the transmission fluid becomes dirty, though, it doesn’t lubricate nearly as well, which is why you’ll eventually need to schedule a transmission flush.

Where Does Transmission Fluid Go Wrong?

The reason you need to have your transmission serviced on a regular basis is simple: The fluid gets dirty, and loses its lubricating power. From there, the wear and tear done to your gears can be major—and if you don’t get it checked out quickly, it could snowball into an even bigger problem down the road. The urgency of transmission maintenance cannot be overstated!