Brake Repair & Inspection in Chesterfield, Missouri
What it is / what does it do
The Importance of ABS Systems
ABS brakes were designed to prevent lock-ups and skids but also offer a few other benefits. Some insurance companies offer discounts for having this safety device because it has a track record of effectively preventing accidents. ABS is standard on today’s vehicles. Without this system on your vehicle, you may not get the premium resale value. Although the ABS system cost does add to the overall cost of your car, it’s worth the added safety and value. Talk to the technicians at Meineke #1655 in Chesterfield, MO for more information about ABS brakes.
Warning Signs of Brake Malfunction
If you notice any of the signs of impending brake failure, do not continue to drive your car. Common signs include a lit ABS light, clicking or grinding noises while braking or a pulsation of the pedal when braking. You should also have your brakes inspected if you notice that your car is taking longer to come to a stop or pulls to one side when braking. Other red flags include increased drag when accelerating or lack of resistance when pressing on the brake pedal. For ABS brake service and all types of brake repairs, visit Meineke #1655 in Chesterfield, MO.
Ignoring a Brake Problem Poses Risks
Your first consideration before driving a vehicle should always be safety, especially when you are transporting passengers. The anti-lock brakes often put up the first red flags that your car is in need of maintenance. That funny scraping sound you hear could be an early warning sign of trouble. Your brake pads may be wearing down and if you let the problem go too long, safety might become a very real concern. In addition, worn brake pads can lead to further vehicle damage. Nip these concerns in the bud by taking your car or truck to Meineke #1655 in Chesterfield, MO, for ABS brake service.
Signs You Need to Replace Your Brakes
While some types of brake problems can be fixed by replacing the brake fluid, others need a more fundamental system overhaul. The top sign that a replacement is needed is noticeable loss of function in your breaks. If you are pressing your pedal and encountering no resistance, this could be a sign of systematic failure. If your ABS system is kicking in during normal driving, it may need to be replaced. Get a better idea of replacement brake and ABS system cost by speaking with representatives at Meineke #1655 in Chesterfield, MO.
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