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Auto AC Repair Services in Raynham, Massachusetts

A/C service in - Raynham, MA

What is Auto Air Conditioning?

You might be surprised to learn exactly how your auto air conditioning system works. While it’s commonly assumed that the AC generates cool air, that’s not quite the case. Actually, it blows hot air, with all the heat removed through a peculiarly complex, multi-step process. In a nutshell, your auto air conditioning works by condensing the refrigerant (Freon), which in turn raises its temperature. This passes through a dryer, where contaminants and moisture are removed, then into an accumulator where it’s slowed down further, leading to a loss of both pressure and temperature. The evaporator then cools down that air further still before the ventilation system pushes it out—and you experience it as a blast of chilly air!

When Should You Get an AC Check?

No part of your vehicle is made to last forever, of course, and the air conditioning system is no different. It undergoes a lot of daily wear and tear which can eventually cause it to break down completely. Certainly, it’s smart to get an AC check if you begin to notice the air isn’t as cool as it used to be. It’s also prudent to plan an AC check once a year or so, when you’re at Meineke in Raynham MA getting other routine maintenance done.

Why You Need Auto Air Conditioning

The auto air conditioning is an important part of your vehicle, without question—but not just for the obvious reason. Sure, it helps you and your passengers remain cool during the summer months. In addition, your air conditioning system allows you to demystify your steamy windows during the cold months of winter. And don’t forget that the auto air conditioning maintains air quality within your cabin, stripping the air of pollutants and contaminants. All told: It’s an important system, and worth taking care of with regular air conditioning service.

How Frequent are Auto Air Conditioning Problems?

The good news is that most vehicle owners don’t have very frequent auto air conditioning problems—and you can minimize the risk further still by investing in a routine AC check. Having an AC recharge every year or so is likely enough.

Why is it Necessary to Get an AC Recharge?

There are a couple of reasons why you might eventually need to have some air conditioning repair work done. One, speaking generally, is that your air conditioning system does a lot of hard work, and eventually that heavy lifting will lead to wear and tear. Any one component of the system can break and throw the whole thing off; an AC check will help you identify and correct problems before that happens. Additionally, you’ll eventually run low on refrigerant, which is a critical ingredient in keeping your cabin cool. That’s when an AC recharge is needed.

Why Getting an AC Check is So Important

There are a couple of things that can cause your auto air conditioning system to malfunction. The first is that it simply runs out of refrigerant; a regular AC check will help prevent this from happening. Also, your AC can simply undergo too much wear and tear. Any one component can malfunction, but addressing the problem early on prevents the repair needs from becoming too big or expensive.

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