If you’re wondering when to get new tires, you’re not alone. Tires are essential for vehicle safety, fuel efficiency, and performance, yet many drivers delay tire replacement until a problem arises. Regular tire checks can prevent accidents and costly repairs.
Total car care experts offer the most important reasons to routinely change a vehicle’s oil : Engines are made up of many moving parts, and those parts need to be properly lubricated to avoid damage. Oil in the engine provides this vital function. Over time, that oil breaks down and becomes contaminated with dust, […]
Are you in the market for a new automobile? If so, the thought may have crossed your mind to buy a hybrid car. Though hybrids have been around for several years now, they are becoming more popular, and not without reason. The benefits of hybrid cars are pretty well known and numerous. They get […]
You never want to be stuck by the side of the road with a stranded vehicle. But every year, dead vehicle batteries leave millions of Americans doing just that, stuck in their driveways or looking for help from passing motorists. In honor of National Battery Day on February 18, the total car care experts at […]
The oxygen sensor is a car part that you probably never think much about. In fact, you may be unsure of what it even does, yet it is essential for your vehicle to function normally or perform optimally. An oxygen sensor, which is sometimes abbreviated as an O2 Sensor, generates a reading based on […]
Want to make your vehicle feel like a race-car? You don’t have to drive at high speeds to make that happen. A little renovation to your car’s interior can make the entire vehicle feel sleeker, sportier, and more fun. A good place to begin is with mounting performance gauges. Gauges, which are often […]
You might choose to drive a hybrid car over a conventional gas-powered one for many reasons. It will help you save money on fuel and reduce your environmental footprint. But there is a lot of new information to learn and consider. One item on that list is understanding what a hybrid battery lifespan […]
All modern cars and trucks come equipped with coolant temperature sensors (CTS). These devices are vital to the proper function and health of the engine. But how does a coolant temperature sensor work—and what’s its purpose? What Does a Coolant Temperature Sensor Do, and How Does It Work? The engine coolant temperature […]
Owning a vehicle comes with the responsibility of taking care of it long after you drive off the dealership lot. This means investing time and money into caring for your car, regularly changing the oil, rotating the tires, and replenishing fluids. Keeping up with your vehicle’s preventative maintenance schedule is smarter and more affordable […]